Another week has gone by in Brier and the illness of Elder Randolph is no more…THANKFULLY! This week was a dead week for us which is pretty sad. We spent a lot of the week knocking on doors but for some reason people dont like 2 amazing looking boys knocking on their door with white shirts, ties, and nametags.. I just dont get it! I mean c’mon look at us! LOL! Tom finally got back from Hawaii but guess what… he got sick AGAIN! He has had a fever and chills and everything else so we werent able to see him. I am hoping that he gets better soon. We found out why Elder Randolph got sick. On Saturday he started his acne medication again and he immediately got really itchy and his rash got 10 times worse. He got way bad chills and got a fever again so he chucked that medication as hard as he could into the garbage. He has a gnarly allergic reaction to that medication and it just doesnt look fun. Today he is doing totally better which is great! We are just trying really hard to find people in Brier who will listen and not scream and slam the door. But, a mission in Seattle wouldnt be the same without all its crazies! GOTTA LOVE IT! 🙂 Hope you all have a wonderful week! I love you! XOXO

Elder Ford
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